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Learning for Sustainability (LfS) – Introduction

By |February 6th, 2014|Sustainability|0 Comments|

This LfS portal is a reference guide for those working to support social learning and collective action around sustainability issues. Annotated links provide direct access to hundreds of key resources internationally.
Efforts towards sustainability in any field are built on processes for communicating, learning, and sharing knowledge, engaging people in their multiple roles as individuals, […]

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Here’s what ‘sustainability’ really means

By |January 21st, 2014|Sustainability|0 Comments|

In 1987, the United Nations introduced the concept of sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In the ’90s, based on mounting scientific evidence that overpopulation, industrial growth, consumerism, environmental change, among other factors, were […]

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TDR’s – The New Gold

By |January 16th, 2014|TDR's|0 Comments|

International Municipal Lawyers Association 74th Annual Conference

How to structure the use of transferable development rights to potentially create open space and millions of dollars of income for cities, property owners and developers:

Sunny Isles Beach, Florida: A TDR success story
by Lynn M. Dannheisser. Esquire
Land use and Local Government Lawyer
Miami, Florida

“This is an informational and educational report […]

12:26 pm 12:26 pm

Pseudo-cyber journalists and their ‘truthiness’

By |January 3rd, 2014|Blogging|0 Comments|

By Lynn Dannheisser
We are in a crisis in local government today. Besides addressing corruption and fiscal irresponsibility, which has eroded citizen confidence, we have to create an environment where responsible, publicly minded people are willing to come forward to serve in government. This becomes less and less likely with one of the culprits […]